Tongue Twisters
I really enjoyed practicing tongue twisters, that helped me a lot in getting my pronunciation better. I think that tongue twisters are very helpful and are an important tool for our learning. Practicing them we can develop many of our skills. Also the ones that we develop the most are our pronunciation and speaking, then we can get better at hearing too because when we hear that someone else is telling a tongue twister we also practice the skill of listening. Furthermore, I think that tongue twisters are very entertaining to learn, because at the beginning you see your mistakes when repeating them, but then when you know them very well it feels good to know that you are speaking well.
Some years ago I listened and learned some tongue twisters, these are very popular in England.
These examples of tongue twisters are very easy to learn, and easy to pronounce.
-Red lorry, yellow lorry, red lorry, yellow lorry.
-I saw Susy sitting in a shoe shine shop
where she sits she shines, where she shines she sits.
Here you can find more examples of lots of tongue twister in order to practice them.
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